Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Fall is here...

and while things are cooling off in many parts of the world (mine included), 'tis the season when things are most likely to pick up. Whether it be the the storms in the oceans in the world, or in the minds of all the students that are back in school, everything seems to be kicking into motion to help prevent premature winter hibernation. With out my typical internet hookup (by this I mean my IV), my usual constant contact to what is the digital world, I've been left feeling a bit out of sync. WoW-wise, while all my friends are in school, cooling their heels (or working like little ants, carrying far too great of a load) while waiting for the much anticipated Cataclysm expansion, I find myself longing to raid with the full force that I've missed out on in the past few months.

I'm hoping that soon I can return to the world of flashy spells and sexy pixels. In the mean time though, I've been teaching myself a few tricks that will hopefully come into use once a fore mentioned digital residency is reestablished. I've taken a great interest in the world of WoW Machinima, as well as a few other much more minor projects, and hope to be able to dive into that world very soon. Being offline gives a girl more than enough time to dream up all kinds of fun projects, and once the pieces fall into place on the tech end (hopefully soon) I plan on putting those little dream projects into motion.

Until the pieces fall into place though, I shall enjoy what little time I have to heroic/rep/mount/pet farm : P

Much love, Sazzy

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